Aidan Smith sings Jupiter, disguised as the philandering MP, Nigel.
The Olympian Gods have fallen on hard times and have been forced to seek employment disguised as mortals. Jupiter and Juno are a government minister, Nigel Divine, and his wife, June. The fickle public are represented by a chorus of ladies and gentlemen of ‘The Clapham Omnibus’. They sing of their middle-of-the-road tastes and how Nigel has found favour.
Emele is an Instagram influencer. She introduces herself and her wonderful life. but reflects on how her fans might react to the more troubled side of her love-life. It’s so lovely being Me.
The affair in question is with Nigel. They are found out and, at a press conference Nigel tries to get out of it by doing what politicians do best – lie through his teeth. The chorus of press and public buy into his boosterish bluster. One Moment of Madness.
Helping Nigel deceive the public is his press agent, Giles Smoothly (the messenger God, Mercury, in disguise). The sort of man who’d test his eyesight at Barnard Castle, Giles is happy to resort to any sleaze to help his boss – but he also has his own agenda. Doing it all for Nigel.
Juno is predictably furious at another deception by Jupiter. She confronts Emele and explains to her rival that she is nothing more than another in a long list of Jupiter’s conquests. The Catalogue Song.
Juno has a plan to annihilate Emele; by persuading her that, if she is anything special, Jupiter will grant her immortality (neglecting to mention that this will mean her mortal body being consumed by fire). Emele, idealistic at heart, is convinced by the possibility of becoming The Greatest Person in History.
These shenanigans are watched with dismay by the other Gods who fear their days are numbered. They sing of the psychological problems caused by belonging to such a mixed up divine family.
Jupiter reveals a more threatening side to his character but agrees to Emele’s request. The event is planned to take place at a grand celebrity party and on live TV. But before Emele goes up in smoke, the women, human and immortal, have a me-too trick up their sleeve.